1. New Seeds of Contemplation (by Thomas Merton) a wonderful, thoughtful read on being a contemplative.
The Impact of God (by Ian Matthews) A very accessible primer on St. John of the
Cross--basically his profound ideas for the regular
person like you and me. I have never read his actual stuff--I understand it is thick to wade through.
A Clearing Season:Refections for Lent (by Susan Parsons) A gentle approach
on Lent...good for those of us who tend tend to live an introspective
life...and can overdo it if not careful during lent :)
Suffering of God (Terrence Frietheim). Highlights all the verses
about God's deep love in the Old Testament that "Hellfire" preachers
unfortunately seem to have forgotten...I am changed each time I read it.
Gospel of John--my fav gospel. How can you go wrong reading the reflections of the disciple whom "Jesus loved?" Interestingly enough, John's main theme is indeed love. How much God loves us and how much God wants us to love one another. A mystic if there ever was one!
Keep Warm! :) Pam