Thursday, July 26, 2012

Patron Saint of Massage Therapists....

So...who is the patron saint of massage therapists? What little research I have done suggests "James the Just" who was martyred by stoning. That is hopeful for us massage therapists, don't you think? No really, in my humble opinion, Mary Magdalene is a much more appropriate choice--for a number of reasons:

1. She anointed the feet of Jesus with oil. That in itself should be enough. :)
2. Her actions were judged and misunderstood by those around her.
    Many people just don't get massage therapists--they think they are a little "out there" and their actions are suspect...what is she REALLY doing?  Just like the Magdalene. People saw what she was doing and said, "Wow--that's really inappropriate. If Jesus really knew who she was, he wouldn't let her touch him!" Because our society is physically and chronically disconnected from their own bodies and sexualize much of their somatic experience, people project and misinterpret the actions of others. People are unable to understand that massage therapists are able to communicate nurture, care and love through their work that is not sexual.
3. Jesus understood her heart and commended her for all time.
    Jesus understood Mary's desire to show her love for him the best way she knew how--honoring his body and person in a very concrete expression. Jesus told those around him to "Leave her alone! She has done a beautiful thing for me!" Jesus got it. He then said, "Everywhere my story is told, hers will be too to honor her." Put that in your vita.
4. And finally, 85% of massage therapists are women.

I cast my vote for Mary the Magdalene.

P.S. My favorite painting of the above is here: