Thursday, May 17, 2012
Self Care 101
You may ask yourself, what does a cat have to do with bodywork? A lot actually. Sasha, my cat, is my self-care icon. From the fact that she sleeps more than 14 hours a day (rough life!) and stretches EVERY TIME she moves from a prone position, she has the self-care thing down pretty good. She faithfully takes a bath every day, eats her kitty crunchies, and does not overdo it on sweets (yeah, I could learn a lot from her). She drinks only water (no wonder her skin is so young looking under all that fur!). Anyway--Sasha reminds me daily to take life at an appropriate pace. She is also very affectionate, at 4:30am visiting hour--which is not so fun. Her only flaw given that I am a non-morning person. Anyway, as a counselor, I am convinced that self-care is a priority--and as a bodyworker--I am doubly convinced. If I take care of myself well--I am able to be fully present for my clients. And that is my reasonable act of service. Thank you Sasha! See the video below to see Simon's Cat, a "cousin" of Sasha.....