Friday, November 27, 2015

Advent Meditation...2015

You know,
Why didn't God do it different?
It all could have been so much less scandalous...
Could have waited until Mary and Joseph were married,
    So people wouldn't later accuse him of being a bastard.
Could have been born in a higher social class,
Could have belonged to the race in power,
Could have spoken to only his own people,
Could have not turned a lot of water into over 360 bottles of $50 wine at a party,
Could have waited a day or two--and not healed on the sabbath,
        After all, what was one more day of suffering?
Could have not talked to so many women,
        And not let them be the first witnesses of His Resurrection.
Could have had fewer meals with all those people whose lifestyle we won't condone,
Could have not actually cast demons out by name,
Could have not rebuked the esteemed religious leaders of the day,
Could have not challenged people quite so much,
So that he would have not been accused of blasphemy and murdered.

You know,
He should have followed the appropriate 'chain of command,'
and showed some respect.
He could have been more mindful of how things had always been done,
They were working so well.

God came,
In Person.
To show us a new way.
God's way. The Good Way.
The way of love and sacrifice.
Because we still had it wrong.

11/27/2015 --P Trice

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Does Faith Mature over Generations?

     So, what if God's revelation over all time has been unfolding--not because God has changed, but because humanity could only change/integrate/understand more about who God is over centuries. In other words, what if faith not only matures in an individual (developmental process), but also occurs over generations?

For example:
     Just as parents teach and raise their children...simple commands come first. The parent may give explanations for various rules--but those are usually NOT understood by the child. How many times does a parent have to tell a toddler ambling toward a street "NO!!!" with a quick, but firm redirection. This one word "No!" at this point means: "DON'T GO OUT INTO THE STREET!!! They may even build a fence around the yard.
     Then imagine a child's COMPLETE surprise then when a parent picks a child up or holds them by the hand and crosses a street with them!!! "What?" the child thinks,  "I thought I wasn't supposed to go near that thing called a street..." Then a child learns about cars--and their danger...but wait, the child thinks, "We ride in one of those all the time...what is dangerous?" Then there are times when strange things are put at the end of the road and the family has a big party with all the neighbors in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET that is usually labeled dangerous! This must be really confusing!
     Later the child learns, it's ok to go/cross a street by yourself--just when no cars are coming. As children mature--we even let them drive one of those dangerous cars! And THEN, maybe at some point, they may understand that they may even choose to go out in the street WHEN a car is
coming (!) to save someone else's life....
     So, perhaps this is why the Ten Commandments (basically "DON'T GO OUT INTO THE
STREET") get boiled down over time, to simply "LOVE God and your neighbor." What if THAT is simply what God has been trying to get us to understand and live the entire time....not only in each individual life, but down through the eons of time.

     I think this may be what Paul the Apostle meant when he wrote to the church at Galatians who were trying to figure out if following the Jewish laws were required to be a follower of Jesus. Paul writes:
     "So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.....for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has ANY value. The ONLY thing that counts is FAITH expressing itself through LOVE."  Galatians 3:24-25 and 5:6.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


So, been thinking about the fact that God does not require anything of us but for us to be honest with ourselves and who God has made us to be. No more. No less. Although we are inspired by many people in our lives, God still wants us to be us. Not them.
No more. No less.
So be you.
The poet Rumi stated it thus, "Sing your note...LOUD!"

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Risks and Burns...

     So, this past weekend I took and passed my Motorcycle Safety Class, and will be able to get my motorcycle license in about a month. Woo Hoo!  One of the things they emphasize in class--for safety's sake--is the acronym: ATGATT. This stands for:"All The Gear, All The Time." This means you must wear protective gear (most car drivers do not see motorcyclists, and all that is between you and the pavement is your own skin if you are not wearing protective gear). Gear includes full length jeans, ankle high boots, jean/leather jacket, leather gloves, goggles/eye protection and  a HELMET. So--I got my gear--and was very careful to wear it at all times. In fact, I was so concentrating on this fact, that I missed the obvious (a rather normal  occurrence in my life) and FORGOT TO WEAR SUNSCREEN!!! Therefore,  I got a sunburn on my face like you would not believe! It was very overcast this past weekend—and although I wore my polarized goggles... Let's just say I look like a raccoon in reverse! LOL!

 I have wanted to ride a motorcycle for YEARS—ever since age 8 when one of my neighbors got a minibike—and didn't share it. :( My father did get me a motorcycle (1968 Honda 90cc) when I was a senior in high school—but I could only take back roads. The gears seized up if you went over 30mph! Here is a picture of what it looked like:

     So, it was high time I got back on a bike--and the course was only $20! It was taught by some fantastic folks (Thanks Ted and Jim!) and had some very supportive classmates. My only challenge was the motorcycle that I was assigned to for class was a Honda 250cc Nighthawk that refused to stay in neutral! LOL! Halfway through the class they finally changed me over to a Suzuki. Overall though, I had a BLAST!

     Lets just say the sunburn was worth it--I learned so much! This is a great metaphor for life. When we do new things and take risks, we are likely to get a few scrapes/burns in the process. And sometimes, more often than not, I miss the obvious. But, it is still worth branching out, risking, and growing! I will never forget how to ride--and whenever I do get my own bike--I will be sure to wear sunblock (ATGATT!!!)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Re-Centering on God

      Wow--its been almost a year since I have written a post. This in itself is informative to me. Let me explain:

     This past year I have been in the process of deep growth and discernment. One of the time-proven methods of discernment comes to us through Ignation Spirituality which highlights the concepts of "consolation vs. desolation." In other words--as we go through our lives and decision making, we should overall experience "consolation," that is, a sense of peace and surety, even amidst trials vs. "desolation" or an increase in confusion and distress. Jesus himself promises us that He came that we might "have life and have it to the full." (John  10:10). This does not mean that we do not experience any difficulty in life--but it DOES mean the general trajectory should be one of increased joy, peace, contentment, and service to others. I learned many things this past year--but overall I was experiencing a great deal of anxiety as I was trying to discern. What is interesting, is that as I "reset" my course and recentered my relationship to God--an incredible amount of energy has re-surged in me--abundant LIFE! I have found myself journaling more, writing more (hence this post), and even painting more:
                                                               "California Poppies"   (P. Trice 6/6/2015)

Honestly, whenever my relationship with God is squared away, everything else seems to fall into place. So the adventure continues...One of my favorite musicians, Snatam Kaur has written these lyrics:

Take Me In (Snatam Kaur from CD: The Light of the Naam)
   (See:  You Tube: Take me in )

In the grace of thy heart,
In the flow of this crazy, crazy life,
I meditate on Thy Name
Burning inside
Like a warm, warm flame,

Take me in, take me in
To Where I end and You begin
To the place where I don't know
Exactly how the story will go
In Your love, In Your love
I can finally breathe
I can finally be me.

As the sun rises in the sky
My soul has already taken flight
Nothing more can I say
I serve Thy Light
Each and every day

Wahe Guru (trans: the ecstatic experience of God)

May you all find your path to a deeper connection/centering in God--and the resultant peace, joy and life more abundant.